Q. How do I change my date of Birth, I have mistakenly typed it?
Ans.: Sorry, information such as Name and Date of Birth cannot be modified. You have to create a new account using different email.
Q. All of my Educational Certificates and marks are based on Percentage and Division, how do I add Grade and CGPA?
Ans.: In that case please select “N/A” on Grade and type “0” on CGPA field.
Q. I have mistakenly added an educational detail, how do I modify it?
Ans.: You cannot modify it. You have to delete that particular detail and add again.
Q. I am submitting my doctorate thesis, and might award Ph.D., so how do I change my initials?
Ans.: You can modify /update it on Personal Information page.
Q. Do I have to upload all my educational certificates?
Ans.: No, it’s not mandatory.
Q. Do I have to take print out of the application and submit the same to MPSC?
Ans.: No, the commission has already got your application and need not to submit it in hard copy. Although you can take print out of your application and can be kept as your own record.
Q. I have already paid and got the transaction ID but the status on the My Job Application is showing “Under Process” why is that so?
Ans.: You application was submitted and is in the verification process hence status is as “Under Process” and it will change eventually.
Q. I am a Differently Abled Person and how do I Pay as Payment option was not available?
Ans.: Differently Abled Person need not to pay for any exam conducted by MPSC.
Q. I have already paid but it is still asking to pay again why that is so?
Ans.: Sometime due to slow internet connection system failed to receive proper request and fails to update the transaction status, please drop a query mentioning transaction ID and date of transaction. Please use your registered mail id while submitting query and do not make any payment again. It will be updated within 24 hours if confirmed from payment gateway.
Q. How to resize image into required dimension?
Ans.: Here's the step to resize dimension in MS Paint
- Open your image in MS Paint
- Click Resize >> Select Pixels
- Uncheck Maintain Aspect Ratio
- For Certificates, type 400 on Horizontal and type any value between 400 to 566 on Vertical (try and select best view,
rotate the image if required)
- For Profile Photo, type 110 on Horizontal and type 140 on Vertical
- For Signature, type 180 on Horizontal and type 60 on Vertical
- Click SAVE button
Please check whether the size is below the specified required file size before uploading... you can use MS Office Picture Manager/Picasa/ Photoshop
etc. to reduce size.